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Member spotlight: Courtney Schur, Carmine & Hayworth Vintage
Courtney Schur, founder of Carmine & Hayworth Vintage. Photo courtesy Courtney Schur

Member spotlight: Courtney Schur, Carmine & Hayworth Vintage


Vintage Sellers Community member, Old Hollywood lover and vintage enthusiast Courtney Schur wants to combat vintage-clothing myths as she runs her dream shop in the U.S. Midwest

We periodically highlight members of the Vintage Sellers Community and are excited to introduce you to Courtney Schur, founder of Carmine & Hayworth Vintage.

“Dull isn’t in our vocabulary,” Courtney proclaims on the Carmine & Hayworth website — and she means it.

Her bricks-and-mortar store in Fargo, North Dakota is kitted out like you’d imagine a 1950s starlet’s closet to be: pale pink walls, vintage brocade sofa, incredible dressing gowns and peignoirs, prints in every shade of the rainbow and fabulous accessories. Then there’s the decor and gifts: fun stickers, colourful bath products and coasters with cheeky sayings. 

Courtney dreamed of bringing Old Hollywood glamour to the Midwest for years, and worked three jobs before finally opening her own retail space in 2020. The shop is a beacon in the community for size-inclusive genderless apparel, killer vintage fashions and jewellery, and contemporary vintage-inspired clothing stocked in up to a size 5X.

A classic-film lover who frequently highlights silver-screen sirens in her collections, Courtney is both enthusiast and historian — not only is she assembling a vintage-fashion archive on her website, but she also takes her knowledge to the airwaves as host of her own podcast Conversations in a Vintage Shop.

Get to know Courtney below!

What is Carmine & Hayworth Vintage all about?

Carmine & Hayworth vintage sells vintage clothing for all genders along with quirky, one-of-a-kind vintage gifts, decor and more!

Neon green jumpsuit plus tag detail from Carmine & Hayworth
Photo: Carmine & Hayworth Vintage

What makes your in-store experience special for shoppers?

Our goal for every vintage item we sell is for it to have a story that we can pass onto YOU, the buyer! We want you to know where our pieces come from, so you can add your own story when you leave.

Photo: Photography by Shannon Rae courtesy Carmine & Hayworth Vintage

What's the first moment you remember having a passion for vintage? What happened?

As long as I can remember, I've always been drawn to vintage and antiques. I grew up going to antique malls and vintage shops, so it's become a part of me and my upbringing. 

What do you wish people knew about shopping vintage?

Vintage pieces, whether it's clothing or decor, were made to last! These items were made with the purpose to last the rest of your life.

Photo: Carmine & Hayworth Vintage

You bring in a range of sizes to the shop. What do you want people to know about vintage clothing sizes?

A conversation I have often, in my shop and online, is the inclusivity of vintage clothing. It's a myth that all clothing from past decades was only for “small bodies.” I've collected examples of pieces from 50-100 years ago that prove sizing was just as unique as each of our bodies! Just think: if all you find are small sizes in pristine condition, that means no one wore them. 

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I love to collect pieces that prove vintage myths wrong! I have a 1940s linen dress that has a built-in, adjustable dart that can tighten or expand with the body — because clothing was meant to fit us, not us fitting the clothing. I want to dispel the idea that vintage is only for those with a certain body type.

What was the best vintage item you've ever found?

This is always a hard one because they're all like my children! I had a family bring in Victorian garments that were owned by their great-great aunt who was a tailor and seamstress in New York City in the 1920s. I kept a piece from the massive clothing lot they brought, which was an Edwardian brocade corset with all of the adornments and garters still attached.

Photo: Carmine & Hayworth Vintage

Where do you shop for vintage yourself?

I source 90 per cent of my inventory through private buying appointments, which can easily turn into a shopping spree for myself! 

Photo: Photography by Shannon Rae courtesy Carmine & Hayworth Vintage

Where can customers find you and how can they buy your items?

Customers can shop on our website, carmineandhayworth.com, which ships internationally, or see us in-person at our brick-and-mortar at 616 Main Ave. in Fargo, North Dakota. Or follow them on Instagram!

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